Keeping Up With Felicia Day – The Intersection of Woman and Geek

I’ve become fascinated with all of the feminist voices speaking out in geekdom, and increasingly impressed by the response they get – a lot of trolling, and then a lot more support to try to make up for the jerks that still rely on jokes about being barefoot in the kitchen and sandwich making.

Moving into a bigger city has had me thinking more about feminism and my identity, as both a girl and a geek. I can certainly say that in my small little hometown I never had a dude follow me into the parking lot of a grocery store and to my car, yelling at me for not talking to him because I “ain’t that pretty”. I’d also never had the experience of walking into a game store and having a guy openly gawk at me, even when I looked at him, for several minutes as a perused the miniatures available to see if there was something interesting to paint. Continue reading